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Turku University of Applied Sciences

Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Turku University of Applied Sciences TUAS) is a multidisciplinary educational community of around 9000 students and 700 staff members. It is located in Southwest Finland but nowadays we operate globally in various development activities. It offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in the faculties of Business, ICT and Life Sciences; Arts Academy; Technology, Environment and Business; Health and Well‐being. All the faculties are multidisciplinary.  

The faculty responsible for EthCo project is the Faculty of Health on Well‐being. Its’ degree programmes host about 2,300 students under the supervision of almost 200 experts. The faculty responds quickly to employers’ education and development needs. Thousands of social and health care professionals develop their competence through the continuing education. TUAS is investing in pedagogical modernization of higher education.  Simulation pedagogy is one relevant and evidence based teaching/learning method in health care education. Our Faculty has used that method many years and still this method is used quite a lot, mostly in training emergency care situations in different fields of health care. HCT Simucenter, Kiinamyllynkatu 11, Turku, is training center which belongs to all 3 organizations; Turku University, Hospital District of Southwest Finland and TUAS. 

 TUAS is the coordinator of the project, and is responsible for the management, communication, coordination, and monitoring of the project progress. TUAS’ R&D services provide support for EU project design and implementation, with around 40 staff members and years of experience with regional, national and international funding programs. A specialized Erasmus network operates in the R&D unit to provide targeted support for planning and implementing all Erasmus projects. Currently, there are about 150 projects in implementation in TUAS. TUAS has experience both as a leader and as a partner in EU-funded cross-border research, development and innovation projects. 

Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) has strong competence related to healthcare ethics and related to the simulation teaching of healthcare students. Simulation learning has been utilized there for several decades. Recently there has been a lot of interest from other education institutes to gain from this competence. Additionally, TUAS has competence in developing measurement instruments and tools for healthcare (healthcare teachers have published several doctoral dissertations concerning the development of measurement tools, including measurement of ethical competence). The Faculty of Health and Well-being have a successful track record on coordination of several large international projects during recent years (e.g. VIRTU, MIMO, Hasic, RESME, RENE, SimE).

Turku University of Applied Sciences team members

Kati Naamanka (Physiotherapist, PhD) is a project content manager and Senior Lecturer at Turku University ofApplied Sciences (TUAS), Department of Health and Well‐Being. She works as a senior lecturer in Degree Program on Physiotherapy (BA). Her main teaching areas are musculoskeletal physiotherapy, ergonomics, health promotion and students’ clinical practice. Kati Naamanka is a member of Clinical Expertise Reseach Group and research group of New Ways of Promoting Performance in TUAS. Naamanka’s research interest is in health care ethics and she has prepared her doctoral thesis on ethical competence at the University of Turku. She has gained experience of project work previously in the SimE-project (Simulation Pedagogy in Learning Ethics in Practice in Health Care – and the RENE-project (Renewing Ergonomic Education for Health Care Students in European HEIs –








Nina Rantalaiho-Kulo (Nurse, MNSc) is a Senior Lecturer at Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS Department of Health and Well‐Being. She works in degree program on Emergency care, public health nurse and midwifery. The main teaching topics are intensive care nursing, internal medicine and Surgical Nursing. All with simulation pedagogy. Nina is a member of Clinical Expertise, Mental health promotion and Dignified Old Age research groups. Onboardmed-project- Harmonisation of on Board Medical treatment, Occupational safety and Emergency Skills in Baltic Sea Shipping   aimed at developing more aligned vocational education programmes in the Central Baltic Area. 

Suvi Kivelä (MsSoc) is a senior Advisor in Project Management Office in Turku University of Applied Sciences. She has wide experience as project manager in national and EU funded projects. She is leading Post-award Team and Funding Expertise Networks in Turku UAS. Currently she is working as administrative project manager in four projects. Examples of projects are: OnBoard-Med -project- Harmonisation of on Board Medical treatment, Occupational safety and Emergency Skills in Baltic Sea Shipping MOMU – Moving towards Multiprofessional work, ARPA – Applied Research Platform for Autonomous Systems and Baltic Loop.