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EthCo tool

The EthCo Tool will combine the results from previous parts of the project to an open-access platform. A digital educational tool will be situated in and downloadable from this webpage. The EthCo Tool consists of the framework for Coaching, pedagogigal grounds for digital education, various learning styles used and resources needed for Coaching, guidance on the effective use of learning methods, examples of ethical cases and simulation scenarios. Technical requirements and compatibility of the EthCo Tool with learning management systems will be addressed.  

The EthCo Tool will include a user-friendly interface with appealing visuals for ease of access. Aspects of the Tool will be downloadable and can be printed or reviewed through different devices, according to personal preference and individual learning styles. Some features will be only available in digital format (video content, quizzes etc).  

The final EthCo Tool is aimed towards educators in HEIs and clinical educators in healthcare organisations. It is to be utilised as a tool for further ethics education and for ethical coaches. Other stakeholders beyond the educational entites may be interested in developing ethics education at their respective healthcare organisation.